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Coolfansonic's Emerald Coast History

Sonic | Gamma
Stat Rank Date Order Desc Comment
10,470 2/137 08-19-24 Y'know. I've come to the conclusion that I just suck at this level. But Lady Luck is with me, as always :3 748 Rings (40-40-40-40-40) - 3:58/340 enemy score. Done with this level. For good.
10,240 4/137 07-20-24 Patience has officially been extinguished for this level
9,920 8/137 06-15-24 Minor improvement... still don't like this one xD
7/137 01-19-24
9,520 14/137 01-06-24 Now I'm happy with my favourite SA - Thought it's time I sorted my least favourite! 647 rings (40-40-40-20-20) can't complain too much - I see this being my worst SA once again in future, but alas, it' shall do.
8,450 33/137 12-03-22 In order I believe it was 40 40 20 20 1 in 3 40 90 with 80 enemy score might come back to this someday
32/137 08-26-22
31/137 06-08-21
30/131 02-06-19
29/131 01-03-19
30/128 03-28-17
29/127 03-09-17
30/125 03-14-16
29/124 08-17-15
30/124 02-02-15
29/124 02-02-15
28/119 07-26-14
29/119 04-18-14
28/118 03-19-14
27/115 01-27-14
26/114 11-14-13
25/110 07-10-13
8,010 36/110 05-28-13 In order 40 10 20 5 40
7,250 53/110 04-24-13 on my 705 RA
52/109 03-21-13
51/108 11-22-12
6,180 87/107 10-12-12 this is a good score for me
86/106 09-02-12
5,090 104/106 09-02-12 this is a good score for me
100 106/106 09-01-12
5,700 94/106 09-01-12
Player ID: 5150 | Game ID: 3 | Category ID: 9 | Level ID: 41
Hits: 177 | Hits This Month: 10 | DB Calls: 25 | Mem Usage: 772.13 KB | Time: 0.04s | Printable

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